About Us
The Freyssinet Prestressed Concrete Company Limited established in 1954 to promote 'State of the art' prestressing technology and related products in India.
It has successfully made pioneering efforts to apply this technique in all types of structures and undertake the works on turnkey basis. It has developed prestressing anchorage in the range of a modest 20 MT to 700 MT.
Over the years, the Company diversified into areas of Rehabilitation of Structures, Re-building of Bridges and Civil construction, Handling of Heavy Loads etc... By virtue of expertise attained, it has been recognized as a Civil and Structural Engineering firm in the country particularly in the specialized field of Prestressing and Repairs & Rehabilitation of Structures.
Many of the Structures executed by the Company have won accolades in the National and International fields.
As on date, FPCC has its presence in over more than fifteen hundred bridges & more than three hundred structures rehabilitated. The company has always successfully faced the challenges in expeditious completion of projects. Today FPCC is present in all major construction sites in India working besides the main contractors.